Braces/Clear Aligners

Considering Clear Aligners and Braces from Padre

A clear aligner can restore balance to your smile and make daily activities like biting and chewing easier if your teeth are crowded or crooked. Padre Island Family Dentistry offers Invisalign® and ClearCorrect braces from general dentist Sophi Nabavi-Vatankhah, DMD. Call today or use the online booking feature to schedule an appointment in Corpus Christi, Texas.

What Are Clear Aligners?

A clear aligner is an orthodontic appliance that is removable. These braces are similar to traditional metal braces in that they place slight pressure on your teeth and jaw, gradually aligning them. 

Clear aligners are transparent, so they blend seamlessly with your teeth. Furthermore, their metal and chemical-free materials make them safe for pregnant women and people with allergies. 

Clear Aligners for Tooth — Corpus Christi, TX — Padre Island Family Dentistry

How Can Clear Aligners Correct Dental Issues?

Clear aligners can correct a variety of issues at Padre Island Family Dentistry, including:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Overlapping teeth
  • A misaligned jaw
  • Crossbite
  • Overbite
  • Underbite

When you have gaps between your teeth, you may benefit from orthodontics with clear aligners.

How Does the Procedure Work?

X-rays are taken by Dr. Nabavi-Vatankhah before he prescribes treatment with clear aligners. The dentist uses these procedures to determine if you're a candidate for orthodontics by examining your teeth and jaw alignment.

If Dr. Nabavi-Vatankhah detects any alignment issues, she takes digital impressions using a scanner. Once she has uploaded your impressions, she develops a custom orthodontic treatment plan using a computer-aided design (CAD) program. This plan explains your teeth's and jaw's movements. 

In addition to explaining the treatment process, Dr. Nabavi-Vatankhah sends your scans to an orthodontic laboratory for processing. A set of Invisalign or ClearCorrect aligners is made from your impressions at the orthodontic laboratory.

In order to try on the aligners, you return to Padre Island Family Dentistry when your custom set of aligners is ready. As part of orthodontic treatment, you visit Dr. Nabavi-Vatankhah every few weeks and change into a new set of aligners. With each set of aligners, pressure is applied to the teeth and jaw, improving alignment and positioning.

The Treatment Takes how Long?

With clear aligners, treatment usually takes 12-18 months*, but it could take longer depending on the alignment issues treated.

It is recommended that you wear your aligners for 20-22 hours a day, removing them only for eating and brushing. Attending your appointments is also crucial. Your teeth will remain in position with an orthodontic retainer once you have finished wearing clear aligners.

Call Padre Island Family Dentistry or use the online booking feature today to schedule an appointment to find out if you can benefit from orthodontic treatment with clear aligners. 

Contact Padre Island Family Dentistry at 361-589-4090 to schedule your braces/aligners appointment today!

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